If you reached this page, it means that the link is known to be broken or incorrect at the last time we updated this Computer Listing Links page.

The Company Listings page contains over 1,500 different companies... the bigger and better companies are still in business, some have sold to other companies, some closed their doors. It took many hours to initially assemble, build, verify, and deal with the list. But the true is we haven't spent the time re-doing the list in over a decade. It's left for reference only, unless someone wishes to help fund the time to update this list, it is what it is. Sorta like that old car next to a tree in the field next to the tree, and a family of critters living in it. Some history to look at, could be fixed up... but it takes time, money, and desire. So, if you're interested in us updating the list, feel free to make a donation to the cause.


T. E. Mercer, The Webmaster

Copyright © 1993 through 2006 T.E. Mercer and PBG, All rights reserved.
No part of this site maybe copied, reproduced, distributed, sold or given away, except as a standard link to the home page (www.helpus.com), by any person, business, school, governmental agency, etc. without the express written permission from PBG and/ or T.E. Mercer.

Graphics, Links, and various other information is the copyright of the respective holder, and may NOT be used without the express written permission of the owner. All rights are reserved.

NOTICE: Parts of this site may appear out of date (regarding the latest "flavor-of-the-month" CPU, motherboard, etc.), but the logic and problem solving information is better than 99% correct, valid, and accurate. If you have questions or suggestions, please feel free to email us directly.  
This site was developed by PBG (Pacific Buyer's Group) and T.E. Mercer.  
This site was last updated on 03/31/06